Foundational Messaging
You know how so many small businesses struggle to clearly explain what they have to offer? The problem is you’re too close to your work to create marketing messages that resonate with your audience. This costs you opportunities and revenue every day, leaving you frustrated and confused. Why can’t they see what you see?
If you need outside eyes so you can stop rambling to potential customers and start getting the sales you’ve been looking for, a Foundational Messaging Plan is for you!
Foundational Messaging Plan
• Messaging strategy led by a StoryBrand Certified Guide.
• Get clear on what you offer your customers
• Leverage the power of storytelling to drive results
• Build a solid foundation for your business and plan for future content
• Maintain cohesive messaging across all platforms with a Messaging Playbook
Done With You: starting at $1,100
Done For You: starting at $1,650
Done With You = We Plan, You Write*
In a Done With You Plan, you get:
Zoom consulting sessions with professional guidance + feedback
Help refining your BrandScript
No deliverables (you write those!)
Done For You = We Plan, I Write
In a Done For You Plan, you get:
Zoom discovery sessions where I get to know your business
Customized messaging that fits your organization
Two rounds of revisions built into the plan
Messaging Playbook PDF based on the proven StoryBrand framework
All the deliverables emailed to you, ready to go!