Sales Funnels
To grow a business, a company really needs a one liner, website, lead generator, and an email sequence. This sales funnel equals survival for your business. The problem is that most of the time, you’re too busy working in your business to create this critical part of your marketing plan.
That’s where I come in. With a Sales Funnel plan, I’ll help shore up your marketing messaging and actually execute sales funnels that will drive results.
Sales Funnels Plan
• Start building your sales funnel with website wireframes, lead generators, and email sequences
• Customized to fit your team’s needs, timeline, and budget
• Includes copy + design
Done With You: starting at $1,200
Done For You: starting at $2,200
Done With You = We Plan, You Execute*
In a Done With You Plan, you get:
Zoom consulting sessions with professional guidance
Help turning your BrandScript into sales funnel pieces
Content review and design feedback on your sales funnel pieces
No deliverables (you make those!)
Done For You = We Plan, I Execute
In a Done For You Plan, you can get:
Zoom discovery sessions where I get to know your business
Customized sales funnel pieces that fit your organization
Copy based on the proven StoryBrand framework
Design by an experienced graphic designer
Two rounds of revisions for all pieces built into the plan
All the deliverables emailed to you, ready to go!